Monday, July 2, 2012


I recently watched a documentary about New York's No Wave scene in the late 1970's.  Apparently, the mission was to create music that didn't reference anything.  To create something completely new.  Unfortunately, most of these "artists" had no idea how to play their instruments, so 35 years later it just sounds like a bunch of noise.  Worse, it sounds really old and dated.
20 years later, Mick Barr cashed the check that the Rock and Roll Literati wrote.  Mr. Barr has spent the past decade or two making music that is so advanced that it barely even sounds like music.  His new band Krallice sounds like Justin Bieber compared to what he usually does.
At a club in Washington DC ca. 2000, I ran into Mick, and he gave me this cassette.
Now, here is what I love about this tape.  It exemplifies the kind of DIY mentality that made me want to make this blog in the first place.
1 4-track cassette recorder
1 Boss Metal Zone distortion pedal
1 Gibson SG standard
1 cheap drum machine, either a Boss DR-550 or some sort of low end Alesis
2 guitar cables
That's it.  Barr didn't even use an amplifier or any microphones for this.  Guitar into Metal Zone into 4-track.  Drum machine into 4-track.  He then probably dubbed the cassettes from the master mix on to major label promotional cassettes and handed them out to people.  It meant something.  Nowadays, we can all record into Pro-Tools and post our wonderful creations on or or whatever, and it doesn't matter.  I acknowledge the fact that my posting of this cassette online kind of contributes to this.  Living in denial of this is not unlike refusing to build a boat when the Big Rain starts coming.  So here you go.
Octis Side A
Octis Side B

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